Summer Resources
Getting Ready for Fall
The first day of school is Tuesday, September 3, 2024.
Athletics preseason activities begin Monday, August 19 for Upper School students.
New and returning student orientations will be held Wednesday, August 28-Friday, August 30.
Content may be updated throughout the summer – we will note any updates below!
This printable "Getting Ready for School" checklist will help make sure you haven't missed anything!
All School Resources
- Accessing the Holton Calendar
- Bus Transportation
- Driving on Campus: Carline and Reminders
- Health Forms
- Save the Date! Back to School Events '24
- Technology Requirements
Accessing the Holton Calendar
For the 2024-25 school year, parents/guardians will access school calendar events in the Parent Portal starting in July, 2024.
What's Included in the Portal Calendars?
By logging in to the Parent Portal, parents/guardians can access calendars and calendar feeds that are specific to their families.
Do I have to log in to view the School calendar?
Yes, please note the public Holton calendar is still available on the public website but does not carry the same level of detail as the portal calendars. Parent/Guardian-and student-specific events are only available in the Portal. Use this link if you forgot your password.
From the Parent Portal, you have access to many different calendars. Below you will find an overview of what you can find on each calendar.
Will my old iCal feeds still work?
In short, no. You will need to re-subscribe to Holton calendars, see below.
The household calendar is meant to bring together events for all members of a given household. It includes:
System Dates
- Grading Period Start and End Dates for your students
- Rotation Days (non-M-F) for your students
School Events
- Displays events in which School level(s) (or grade level) match the school level(s) of your students
Group Membership Events
- Displays events for groups of which you are a member.
- Displays events for groups of which one of your students is a member.
The following is an overview of what is displayed on the school calendar:
System Dates
- Grading Period Start Dates for all school levels
- Grading Period End Dates for all school levels
- Rotation Days (non-M-F) for all school levels
School Events
Excludes Games or Practices
Middle & Upper School Athletics
Athletics events are available on the Teams & Events section of the Holton website.
Subscribe to Holton Calendars
Log in to the Parent Portal and Click on "My Calendar Subscriptions" near the Top Right of your screen starting in July, 2024.
Next, you will see a view of calendar subscriptions related to your household. Click on the SUBSCRIBE button next to the calendar you want to download. You may get a warning from your browser that you are launching an application. Just click OK. (Please note student assignments are not posted here. They are posted in Canvas.)
If you use Google Calendars:
Check the "Subscribe Using Google Calendar" box at the top of the screen. Then click the subscribe button. A new window will open Google Calendar and you will be asked to confirm the addition of this calendar. Click "Yes, add this calendar."
If you use iCal:
iCal will open and ask you to confirm your subscription. Click Subscribe. Now Holton events should show up in iCal.
If you use Outlook:
Outlook will launch and you will be asked to confirm your subscription. Click Yes. Now Holton events should show up in Outlook.
Bus Transportation
Information about 2024-2025 Routes, Schedules, Pricing, and Registration
Registration opened on Sunday, May 19, 2024 for Holton-Arms bus transportation for the 2024-2025 school year. All bus routes operated in 2023-24 will be available in 2024-25, and we have added new stops on three routes: Guy Mason/Palisades, Olney/Silver Spring, and McLean, VA. Plus, we are offering not one, but two exciting new discounts!
Early Registration Discount: Families who register for 2024-2025 bus service by Sunday, June 30, 2024, will get next year’s service at this year’s prices. That’s a five percent discount on the new rates that go into effect Monday, July 1, so don’t delay – this is a limited time offer.
Sibling Discount: Families who register more than one student will receive a five percent discount on bus service for the second and any additional students. This discount applies to the whole year, but you can double it up with early registration and really get a deal!
A deposit of $100 per seat is paid at registration, and the balance will be billed via your student account in the fall. Transportation is eligible for Financial Aid; final balances will be adjusted before you are billed.
Registration is now open.
Email Daryl Owens or call 301-365-6486 with any questions.
Driving on Campus: Carline and Reminders
- As Learning Commons construction gets underway, please stay tuned as carpool pick-up/drop-off procedures may be impacted. We appreciate your flexibility and we will convey any changes as soon as we are aware of them. See below for current guidelines and procedures.
- Follow directions from school representatives when entering and exiting campus for carpool. Please drive slowly; be aware of stop signs and crosswalks. The posted speed limit is 15 mph.
- Do not use your phone while driving on campus.
- Exhibit courtesy during drop-off/pick-up; do not block other vehicles and please yield to buses.
- Please remain in your car while in the carline. If weather permits, please turn off your engine while waiting.
- Students should exit vehicles in a safe manner with little delay; have materials ready for loading/unloading. Pull all the way forward to the “CARPOOL STOP HERE” sign or the car in front of you and be courteous to the other parents/guardians in line. Stopping short can severely affect morning drop-off.
- If you have students in Lower School and another division, the older student(s) should go to the Lower School for dismissal. As it takes Middle School and Upper School students more time to pack up and travel to Lower School, we encourage families picking up students in multiple divisions to come toward the end of the carline period (3:45 p.m.).
- If your MS/US student has an early dismissal for an afternoon appointment, please contact the appropriate Division Assistant and CC security. Your vehicle will be allowed to bypass the carpool line to the front circle up until 3:20 p.m. as long as your student is ready and waiting.
- Lower School families will receive a carpool placard in the mail in August. Please display the placard on the passenger-side dashboard of your car for use during pick-up.
- All sixth grade students are automatically enrolled in our traffic Safety Patrol Program, please obey posted traffic signs and all directions given by our security team and grade six patrols. This is a wonderful opportunity for real leadership and service. Please contact us if you have any questions.
- Students from MS/US should only be picked up around the front circle and should stand on the sidewalk. Students are not to be picked up from any location other than the front circle between 3-4 p.m. Walking in the grass and in the parking lots and roads slows down the pick-up and is dangerous. Traffic exiting campus from the alternating lanes during carpool is limited to exiting employees and student drivers only.
- MS parents/guardians:
- The afternoon carline begins at 3:30 p.m. However, because Middle School PE/Sports ends at 3:30 p.m. on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, arriving for carline 5-10 minutes later than dismissal time could minimize carline waiting times. Therefore, if you prefer to not wait in the carline, we recommend you arrive closer to 3:45 p.m.
- One area that often causes our students a bit of worry is if they are unsure of their dismissal plans. Please make sure your child knows whether they will go to carpool, the bus, or Extended Day. If your plans change during the day, update School Pass and contact the Middle School office by calling 301.365.6017 or emailing the Assistant to the Middle School Director, Terry Gilliam, and we will make sure your child and your child’s teacher/coach know the dismissal change.
- Due to limited student parking availability, permission to park on campus is limited to licensed 11th and 12th graders. All cars must display a parking permit, available through Security at the Front Desk. 10th graders may apply to drive and park on campus at the conclusion of AP exams in May. At that time, a licensed 10th grader may apply for parking privileges. 9th graders may not drive and park on campus.
- Students learning to drive on a provisional license should only drive to School in the morning for drop-off. During afternoon carpool there should be no switching seats or provisional license driving to ensure a smooth flow of traffic.
- We strongly encourage carpooling to minimize traffic and wait times for families. To find a possible carpool option, you can log in to the Parent Portal and click Directories > Households > “Nearby Student Households (<10).”
With cooperation and courtesy from all, we will get to our destinations safely and set good examples for our students. If there are any traffic complaints or concerns, please contact Nate Wilson, Facilities Manager for Campus Safety, 301-365-6462.
Drop-off & Pick-up Map:
Health Forms
For the 2024-2025 school year; forms will be due to the school by Thursday, August 1.
All student medical paperwork should be submitted to the August Schools Health Portal. This is a web-based system that gives you continuous access to your child’s health record and the ability to make updates when needed. You can download the necessary forms there, and your progress is regularly saved so you do not need to finish all the forms at once.
Student Health Packet [complete & upload to August Schools]
Save the Date! Back to School Events '24
Please join us to learn about your student's classes and to meet their teachers.
Upper School: Wednesday, September 11, 2024
Ahead of the evening, students will create parent/guardian schedules for that night. More details to come in the first Sunday Skim and via email in August.
Middle School: Wednesday, September 18, 2024
More details to come in the first Sunday Skim and via email in August.
Lower School: Monday, September 16, 2024
For the 24-25 school year, Lower School will have a Back to School Morning on Monday, September 16. Join us to meet families, learn about your child’s curriculum this year, and see the magic of Lower School classes in action. The main program will run from 7:45-9:25 a.m.. Interested parents and guardians are welcome to stay until 11:25 a.m. and observe two classes.
- 7:45-8:15 a.m. Coffee and mingle
- 8:15-8:45 a.m. Morning Meeting/Advisory
- 8:50-9:25 a.m. Meet with grade level homeroom teachers
- 9:30-10:10 a.m. Class #1
- 10:10-10:40 a.m. Snack and Tour
- 10:45-11:25 a.m. Class #2
Technology Requirements
Dear Holton families,
The 2024-25 ordering page is live and all Chromebooks must be ordered no later than Friday, July 5.
All the technology information you need for each division is below:
Lower School Technology Letter
Middle School 7th Grade Technology Letter
Middle School 8th Grade Technology Letter
Upper School Technology Letter
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me directly.
Mike Robertson
Director of Libraries and Information Services