College Preparatory School for Girls Grades 3-12

Scroll + Scrolling

Scroll, the Holton-Arms literary club, founded in 1906 by Carolyn Hough Arms, seeks to develop the literary talents of Holton students. The club meets weekly to practice the craft of creative writing and also produces the school literary-arts magazine. The magazine has evolved from a mimeographed handout to a full-color production, in which the Scroll editors showcase the beauty of student creations in the best possible way, juxtaposing image and word in striking layouts. The award-winning website, Scrolling, is an annual online edition of the magazine with expanded features. The website, built by students as a part of their Senior Project, allows the display of additional artwork and other artistic forms beyond print, such as songwriting and fashion design along with students discussing their creative processes.

Columbia Scholastic Press Association High School Hybrid Publication Gold Crown Winner 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020

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scrolling 2019 website homepage





scrolling 2016 homepage