College Preparatory School for Girls Grades 3-12




Helen Clark Atkeson ’75
Robyn Bash P’27, P’33
Marcia Johnson Bateson ’75
Greg Bernstein P’23
Lizey Korengold Bernstorf '08, President of Alumnae Association  
Julie Buchanan P’24, President of Parents Association
Cathy Johnson Butz ’87 P’18, P’21, Chair
Cal Daggitt P’21, P’23
Pullen Daniel P’27 P’31
Jim Darcey P’20 P’23
Clark Ervin P’24, Secretary 
Penny B. Evins, Head of School
Miriam Herman ’84
John Howard, Faculty Trustee
Sabah Iqbal-Rana ’94 P’27
Anne Blossom Keiser ’66
Shaba Holley Keys ’86
John Klick P’23, P’21, President
Rob Nichols P’25
Mark Ordan P’25
Jen Cornfeld Schenker ’98
Jeremy Schwer P’25, P’28
Ellen Spiegel P’27
Jessie Holladay Sterchi ’99
Mollie Klurfeld Williams ’99
Bethany Young ’05