Arts Events and Faculty
Arts Events by Month
US Drama Backstage Bash & Information Meeting - Scene Shop
- US Chamber Singers at Independent Schools’Choral Festival Vocal Ensemble Night - Sidwell Friends School
- US Orchesis Dance Ensemble at WAISDEA Master Class Day - Sandy Spring Friends School
Holton’s Celebration of FotoWeek DC Photography Exhibit Opening - Camalier Gallery, Lewis Theater Lobby
- US Fall Play or Musical - Lewis Theater
- MS Fall Play or Musical - Mondzac Performing Arts Center (Landon)
- MS & US Winter Instrumental Concert - Lewis Theater
- MS & US Winter Choral Concert - Lewis Theater
- US Orchesis Dance Ensemble Open House - Large Dance Studio
MS & US Winter Handbells and Chamber Music Concert - Simms Reception Room
- MS & US Orchesis and Junior Orchesis Dance Ensembles Annual Dance Concert - Lewis Theater
- US Winter One-Acts - Beebe Black Box Theater
- LS Sixth Grade Chorus at NCS Choral Festival - Washington National Cathedral
- Coffeehouse, Performance of Original Works - Beebe Black Box Theater
- US Chorus at Independent Schools’ Choral Festival Concert - Washington National Cathedral
- US Spring Instrumental Concert - Lewis Theater
- US Spring Choral Concert - Lewis Theater
- MS & US Spring Handbells and Chamber Music Concert - Simms Reception Room
- MS One-Acts or Musical - Beebe Black Box Theater
- US Play or Musical at Landon - Mondzac Performing Arts Center (Landon)
- US Art Show Opening & Scroll Presentation - Simms Reception Room, Adalman Gallery
Drama Dessert and International Thespian Society Inductions – Beebe Black Box Theater
LS Spring Music Concert - Lewis Theater
MS Spring Music Concert - Lewis Theater