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Board of Trustees 2024-25


The Head of School is responsible to the Board of Trustees for all policy decisions of the School, for carrying out Board policy, for hiring and supervision of the faculty and staff, and for overseeing the daily operations of the School and all of its programs. The Head meets regularly with members of the Administrative Team in order to support the decision-making process.

Penny Evins

Penny Evins

Head of School
B.A., M.Ed., University of Virginia
Liz Dover

Liz Dover

Head of Lower School
M.S. Johns Hopkins University, B.A. University of Delaware
Barbara Eghan

Barbara Eghan

Associate Head of School
MEd Harvard Graduate School of Education, AB Harvard
Kathryn Dineen

Kathryn Dineen

Executive Assistant to the Head of School
Liz Field

Liz Field

Head of Strategic Communications and Marketing
B.A., University Of Maryland; MBA, Johns Hopkins University
Tracey Fudge

Tracey Fudge

Chief Financial Officer | Chief Operations Officer
B.A., Stanford University; M.B.A., Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth
Julia Grandison

Julia Grandison

Academic Dean, Middle School English Teacher
B.A., M.S.Ed., University of Pennsylvania
Lea Hunerkoch

Lea Hunerkoch

Head of Middle School, Middle School History Teacher
B.A., Tulane University; M.i.T., Seattle University
Ann Kangas

Ann Kangas

Director of Development
B.A., McDaniel College
Chris Lynch

Chris Lynch

Head of Upper School, Upper School History & Social Sciences Teacher
B.B.A., Loyola University; M.A., Trinity College, D.C.; Graduate Study, Johns Hopkins University
Leslie Nelson

Leslie Nelson

Director of Enrollment Management
B.A., Gettysburg College
Mike Robertson

Mike Robertson

Chief Information Officer/ Chief Technology Officer
B.S., Towson University
Felicia Swoope

Felicia Swoope

Director of Fine and Performing Arts
B.A., Dartmouth College; M.F.A., New York University
Graham Westerberg

Graham Westerberg

Athletic Director
B.A., College of Wooster
Shermaine Wells

Shermaine Wells

Director of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, & Belonging
B.A., M.A.T., American University; Grad Certificate Distance Education UMUC

Board of Trustees

Governance for the School is provided by the Board of Trustees, whose membership includes constituents who represent the full spectrum of the Holton community, such as the Head of School and The President of the Parents Association, the Chair of the Alumnae Board, and a faculty representative. (full list at right)

The Board carries the overall and ultimate responsibility of the School's management, policies, and perpetuation. It hires and evaluates the Head of School, who is responsible for the oversight of the daily operations and for the implementation of Board policies. The Board of Trustees serves as a major resource for the support and growth of the School.

“The Board is the guardian of the school’s mission. It is the Board’s responsibility to ensure that the mission is relevant and vital to the community it serves and to monitor the success of the school in fulfilling its mission.” ~National Association of Independent Schools (NAIS)

Board Communications


Alumnae Board

The Holton-Arms Alumnae Association is comprised of over 6,000 alumnae worldwide. Whether or not you graduated, all are considered alumnae and members of the Alumnae Association.

Learn more



Jessie Holladay Sterchi ’99, Chair of the Board of Trustees
Mark Ordan P’25, President of the Corporation
Jim Darcey P’20, P’23, Treasurer
Clark Ervin P’24, Secretary 
Helen Clark Atkeson ’75
Marcia Johnson Bateson ’75
Greg Bernstein P’23
Lizey Korengold Bernstorf '08, President of Alumnae Association
Cathy Johnson Butz ’87 P’18, P’21
Pullen Daniel P’27, P’31
Penny B. Evins, Head of School
Miriam Herman ’84 P'21
John Howard, Faculty Trustee
Sabah Iqbal ’94 P’27
Rob Jesmer P’27
Anne Blossom Keiser ’66
Shaba Holley Keys ’86
Rob Nichols P’25
Lisa Noto P’25, President of the Parents Association
Jen Cornfeld Schenker ’98
Jeremy Schwer P’25, P’28
Jeff Selingo P’28, P’30
Ellen Spiegel P’27
David Thomas, P’26, P’29
Renee Thomas-Spencer P’25
Mollie Klurfeld Williams ’99
(July 1, 2024–June 30, 2025)

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Faculty and Staff

Holton-Arms faculty and staff serve as role models, mentors, guides, interpreters, friends, and coaches. Most join the School as experienced teachers with masters degrees and continually pursue formal coursework or seminars. Their commitment to knowledge is infectious and ignites a lifelong love of scholarship in their students.

Student Leaders

The Representative Assembly serves as the Upper School student government, acting as a recommending body to the School and as a communications link among the students, the faculty, and the administration. Representative Assembly works for the students and is receptive to any ideas that students bring to it. Open meetings and forums are held so that students may offer ideas, opinions, and suggestions. In addition, Representative Assembly hears cases involving infractions of Major Rules.